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What is limitation of time to send legal notice Us 138 of NI Act ?

Here you will learn about the limitation of time to send legal notice Us 138 of NI Act ? Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (NI Act) provides for a limitation period for sending a legal notice before filing a complaint for dishonor of cheque. According to the Section 138 of the NI Act, the payee or holder of the cheque must give the drawer (i.e. the person who issued the cheque) a legal notice, demanding payment of the cheque amount within 30 days of the receipt of cheque return memo. The notice must be sent by registered post or through a notary public. If the drawer fails to make the payment within 30 days of the receipt of the notice, the payee can file a complaint against the drawer for the offence of dishonor of cheque. The time for filing complaint is 45 days from the date of sending legal notice. It is important to note that, the limitation period of 30 days is mandatory and the payee must send a legal notice before filing a complaint under Section 138 of the NI

Jurisdiction of court under 138 NI Act Case

Jurisdiction of court under 138 NI Act Case The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (NI Act) is an act of the Indian Parliament which defines and regulates negotiable instruments in India, such as cheques and bills of exchange. Section 138 of the NI Act specifically deals with dishonor of cheques. Under Section 138 of the NI Act, if a cheque is presented to the bank and dishonored (i.e. returned by the bank unpaid), the payee or holder of the cheque can file a complaint against the drawer (i.e. the person who issued the cheque) for the offence of "dishonor of cheque". In order to file a complaint, the payee must prove that the cheque was presented to the bank within a period of six months from the date on which it is drawn or within the period of its validity, whichever is earlier, and that the cheque was returned by the bank unpaid. In terms of jurisdiction, the complaint under Section 138 of the NI Act can be filed before the court within whose local jurisdiction:the bank bran

Declaration of lien under section 4(I) of Haryana Credit Operations & Misc. Provisions (Banks) Act 1973

  Schedule Declaration of lien under section 4(I) of Haryana Credit Operations & Misc. Provisions (Banks) Act 1973 I Mawasi son of Sh. _____________________________  being desirous of availing myself of financial assistance of Rs………………..………………………)from the Syndicate Bank Branch ____________________  make this declaration   as required by section 4(I) of the Haryana Agricultural Credit Operations & Misc. Provisions (Banks) Act 1973, that I/We Mawasi son of Sh. ______________________   own/have interest as a tenant in the land specified below, and I hereby create a charge on the said land/interest in land in favour of the bank for securing   the financial assistance which the bank may make and for all future assistance, if any, which the bank make to me together with interest and costs and expenses thereon.   1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of revenue estate Name of Tehsil Name of District

Format of suit against bank loan defaulter | Civil suit against borrower | KCC loan Civil Suit

Format of suit against bank loan defaulter | Civil suit against borrower | KCC loan Civil Suit  IN THE HONOURABLE COURT OF CIVIL JUDGE SR.DIV                               Civil Suit No._____of 2022 Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank Branch at _______, with its Head Office situated at __________,  Previously at the time of Financing, the name of the bank was Gurgaon Gramin Bank which Dissolved on 29.11.2013 and amalgamated vide Gazette Notification date 21.12.2005 in Sarva Haryana Gramin bank. The said Gazette Notification was issued by 21.12.2005 on of Govt. Of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Banking Division), New Delhi. The said Sarva Haryana bank is sponsored by Punjab National Bank carrying on Banking Business and having its Head Office at R______________ and one of its Branch Office at _______ through its power of Attorney Holders Sh……….. age     Aadhar no.      acting as Recovery cum principal officer of Sarva Haryana gramin bank branch at __________.