Legal notice to insurance company after stolen vehicle | Legal notice to insurance company | Legal notice to claim payment of stolen vehicle
Name of Advocate
Seat No.
Court Name Mob. No.
Ref. No…. Dated:
i) Tata
AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd.
2ND Floor, SCO-35, Sector 14,
Gurgaon, Haryana,
ii) TATA AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd.
Regd. office at :- 15th floor,
Tower-A, Peninsula Business Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel,
Mumbai, 400013.
Sub :- legal notice.
Dear Sirs
the instructions from and on behalf of my client Mr._________________________________________
(Haryana), I do hereby serve upon you
with the following Legal Notice: -
1- That you the Noticee No.1 is the policy serving office of the Insurance Company and the Noticee No. 2 is the Regional Offices of the Noticee No.1 Insurance Company.
2- That my above said client is the registered owner of a Bajaj RE- Compact CNG Rickshaw bearing its Registration No. ____________, Chassis NO. 28207, Engine No. 67923, Model 2019 and the same is duly insured by your insurance company vide policy no. 0159560273 w.e.f 18-03-2019 to 17-03-2020.
3- That on dated 12-03-2020 at about 12:30 AM, my client’s above said Rickshaw was stolen and the same was not found and upon which my client has got registered an FIR bearing no. ____ dated 13-03-2020 in the police station of P.S __________ regarding the theft of his auto rickshaw and he accordingly informed your regional and Branch offices and other concerned authorities well in time.
4- That as per your instructions my client has collected all the documents which required to get the claim amount from you noticees and also received untrace report on dated 25-05-2020 qua the stolen vehicle but you noticee till now did not make the payment of stolen vehicle as per the insurance policy. That my client personally visited your office and requested you to make the payment of the claim amount i.e. Rs. 1,64,890/- as per the insured declared values but you noticees put the matter on one pretext and other.
5- That my said client many a times visited your office and handed over the documents of stolen vehicle to you and asked your officials to make the payment of the said amount but your said officials flatly refused to pay the same to my said client.
6- That as per the terms and conditions of the Insurance Policy you are legally bound to make the payment of the claimed amount to my said client.
7- That due to your negligent and deficient service and not making the claimed amount in time, you have caused mental agony, harassment and tension for which my client is entitled to recover from you the claimed amount of Rs. 1,64,890/- alongwith interest and the compensation amount of Rs. 50,000/- from you jointly and severally for causing the mental agony and unnecessary harassment to him.
8- That my client also got served a legal notice upon you noticee on dated 23-06-2020 but you noticee did not pay any amount to my client nor sent any reply of the legal notice.
I, therefore, call again you through this Notice to make the payment of the claim amount i.e. Rs. 1,64,890/- alongwith interest @ 18% per annum since the date of due till its realization and pay the compensation amount of Rs. 50,000/- for causing the mental agony and harassment due to deficient and negligent services jointly and severally, to my said client, under intimation to me within the period of 15 days from the date of receipt of this legal Notice, failing of which my client has given me clear instructions to file appropriate proceedings against you in the competent court of law and in that event you will be fully responsible for all costs, risks, responsibilities, expenses and consequences thereof. Please note well.
A copy of this Notice is kept intact in my office for record and further necessary action and you are also advised to keep the copy of the same as safe as you would be asked to produce in the court.
Thanking you
Name of Counsel & Signature
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